Email campaigns are an essential marketing tool for any business. It's an easy way to reach and keep in contact with your customers. It is very effective in driving potential customers to your site to increase interest and online shop sales. Email newsletters can directly inform customers of any company news, sales and events and is an inexpensive way to market your business to a large number of customers.
We offer two types of email campaign. The first is an editable DIY template where we create a design template and the client can edit their images and text content whenever they choose to.
The other package we have is a non-editable bespoke template which we recommend, this is because they can be created with no design boundaries, we are not constrained with keeping free spaces for clients to input varying amounts of text.
When a campaign is sent out analytics can be viewed as to who looked at the email and whether they clicked through to i.e. your website. We always receive good feedback from our clients with their campaigns and according to online reviews of email campaign statistics for every £1 spent, email marketing generates £40 in ROI.
Clever use of photography and/or illustrations depending on your branding are used to create exciting and eye-catching email template designs.
We will get your message read whether it's advertising your company's facilities, a sale or an event.
Receive the html all ready for you to send out to your list of customers.
£95 per design
You receive a bespoke html template in which you yourself can edit the text/images in your chosen email platform. As they have to be edited there is a constrain on the design that can be done as they need to be able to expand to fit in your text content without the graphics being distorted.
£150 per design
Now you have your email template design let us set up your campaign and send it out to your customers. We will also send you analytics on who looked at your email and who clicked through to your site